
Licensing Procedure 

Responsible Agency       

Special Exclusive Prospecting  Licence 

Address:  Hope Gardens  P.O. Box Kingston 6, Jamaica W.I


Phone: (876) 927-1936-40



Legal base of the Procedure

The Mining Regulations 1947

Processing time



$ 600 (per MC 2) JMD application  fee  Renewal - $ 400 per MC2 



Required Information


Type of information


1 Has to be a holder of a Prospecting Right   
2 Financial Statement (Individual/ Company)  
3 Location Map-(1:50,000 scale)  
4 Sketch Plan ( detailing financing of operations)  


Process Steps

Step 1


Complete the Application form 

Step 2

Errect location beacon at the North West corner of the area 

Step 3

Submit application to the Registrar along with the application to Registrar along with the application fee and supporting documents.

Step 4

Application is checked  for accuracy and to check for accuracy and ascertain if the area being applied for is available (i.e) not covered by an EPL which is in force) 

Step 5 Applicant pays fee
Step 6 A receipt is issued by the cashier. The applicant is advised to lodge the application with the Registrar
Step7 The Registrar enters the application in  the Prospecting Licence  Register,  assigns a number and opens a file  
Step 8 File sent to Commissioner for review/ recommendation 
Step 9 Notices re the application are prepared for publication in the daily newspaper and the Gazette
Step 10 The Exclusive Prospecting  Licence is prepared and sent to the Commissioner for review 
Step 11 The lease is sent by the Commissioner to the Permanent Secretary for review and submission to the Minister 
Step 12 

If licence is granted then:

(i) Applicant pays over the sum (Compensation) determined  by the Commissioner or give security with one surety

(ii) The licensee clearly paints on an iron plate  securely bolted to every beacon on the side facing the licence, the name of the licensee and the official number of the license 

If licence is not granted then:

(i) Applicant should reapply for licence



# Title Description Issued By File
1 Application for an Exclusive/ Special Exclusive Prospecting Licence Form No.5 (Regulation 10) Mines and Geology PDF
# Name Description Measure Type Agency Comments Legal Document Validity To Measure Class
1 Licensing Requirement for Special Exclusive Prospecting A Special Exclusive Prospecting Licence needs to be obtained from the Mines and Geology Division prior to the excavation of specific mineral/minerals in Jamaica. Applicants are required under the law obtain this lease - The Mining Act Regulations1947. Licensing Requirement Mines and Geology Applicant must obtain a Special Exclusive Prospecting Licence before the authorization of the excavation of specific mineral/minerals in Jamaica The Mining Regulations of 1947 9999-09-09 Good
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