Important Advisory

Verify Pre-Shipment Inspection Certificates before Submitting Import Permit Applications


All importers importing motor vehicles from countries where pre-shipment inspection is mandatory, can have their Pre-shipment Inspection Certificate verified by directly inputting the vehicle chassis number/vehicle identification number in the links below:

Please be reminded that heavy duty equipment are subject to quarantine inspection (sanitization) prior to importation, which is done under the same Pre-shipment Inspection programme.

Listed below are the countries for which pre-shipment inspection is mandatory:

Please ensure that your Pre-shipment Inspection Certificate is valid prior to attempting to apply for an import permit. The Trade Board Limited considers the receipt of fraudulent document(s) as an intention to engage in dishonest, unlawful and illegal activities aimed at undermining the operations of the Government of Jamaica and will apply the appropriate actions were necessary.

Additionally, importers will incur penalties for breaches under the Customs Act, if licensable items are imported before obtaining an approved import permit from the Trade Board Limited.

For further guidance on the matter, please contact:

The Trade Board Limited

10th Floor, Air Jamaica Building
72 Harbour Street, Kingston.

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1 Important Advisory Verify Pre-Shipment Inspection Certificates before Submitting Import Permit Applications PDF
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