The Jamaica Single Window for Trade (JSWIFT)


The Jamaica Single Window for Trade (JSWIFT) serves as an electronic platform, which allow traders to submit transactional information through a single access point. The portal provides services to support the regulatory requirements for cross-border trade in Jamaica. Traders will electronically submit applications for Licences, Permits, Certificates and other regulatory requirements (LPCO), to facilitate processing by requisite Cross Border Regulatory Agencies (CBRAs) and Participating Government Agencies (PGAs).


JSWIFT Key Features

JSWIFT provides a web-based portal for access to services in support of cross-border trade in Jamaica. Traders can access the portal via any reliable web browser. The services facilitated through this portal are administered by various Cross Border Regulatory Agencies (CBRAs) and Participating Government Agencies (PGAs). Traders will apply for their Licences, Permits, Certificates and other regulatory requirements (LPCO), and receive notifications on their applications throughout the processing cycle.

JSWIFT is a SINGLE access point for facilitating:

  • The submission of LPCO applications
  • The upload of supporting documents
  • Consistency checks and data validation
  • The tracking of transactions
  • Real time notifications
  • Electronic payments


Benifits of the JSWIFT



JSWIFT utilizes automated system processes that promote efficiency in the cross-border trade regulatory services provided by the government. Reducing paper based and manual transactions, fosters an environment that incorporates best practice, improves trade standards and the accelerated release of commodities.



Services provided via JSWIFT are aimed at fostering greater ease and efficiency to the trading community. Improving accessibility to cross-border trade services and reducing processing times, will serve to decrease the costs associated with acquiring trade regulatory requirements.



JSWIFT services are streamlined to provide predictability, simplified transactional steps and procedures. Access to user dashboards and electronic notifications on varying system processes, allow for real-time feedback which serves to improve the decision-making capacity of the trading community.



Efficiency gains from better distribution of human resources charged with the assessment of applications submitted via JSWIFT, will alleviate processing delays. Risk-based and analytic tools used throughout the system also serve to promote a levelled playing field for the cross-border trading community and improve stakeholder collaboration initiatives.

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